A bone conduction headset is the perfect companion for people who wish to stay in touch with their surroundings. As opposed to the immersive sound stage of a closed headset, bone conduction headsets do not block your surroundings. The theory is that soundwaves are transmitted through vibrations directly into your head, instead of passing through the air to reach your ear canal.
In the case of the Awei A886BL Bone Conduction wireless headset, the sound is still transmitted through a tiny speaker that is directly placed against your ear. The positioning however allows for vibrations to pass through your skin as well. The headset feels almost weightless as the 18 grams are firmly supported over your ear.
The product is ideal in situations where you still require a general sense of awareness of your surroundings. For example, in the office, at school or while running or working out. For convenience’ sake, the product charges with a USB-C cable, allowing compatibility with your other devices' charging cables.